Dr. John Lennox Senior Fellow

John Lennox, professor of mathematics at Oxford University (Emeritus), is an internationally renowned speaker on the interface of science, philosophy, and religion.

He is a native of Northern Ireland, where he studied at the Royal School Armagh. He was then Exhibitioner and Senior Scholar at Emmanuel College, Cambridge University from which he took his M.A., MMath and Ph.D., where he also attended the last lectures of C.S. Lewis. He worked for many years in the Mathematics Institute at the University of Wales in Cardiff, which awarded him a DSc for his research. During his 26 years there, he spent a year at each of the Universities of Wuerzburg, Freiburg (as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow) and Vienna. He has lectured extensively in Eastern and Western Europe and North America on mathematics, apologetics, and the exposition of Scripture. He also holds a M.A. and DPhil from Oxford University (by incorporation) and a M.A. in bioethics from the University of Surrey.

He has published over 70 peer-reviewed articles on mathematics, co-authored two Oxford Mathematical Monographs, and has worked as a translator of Russian mathematics. He also speaks French and German.

In addition, Dr. Lennox has taught on science and religion in the University of Oxford and on apologetics and biblical exposition at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, and he has been involved in teaching on the Oxford University Programme for Executive Education at the Said Business School. Lennox is the author of many books on the relations of science with religion and ethics, the most recent of which is 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity.

He debated Professor Richard Dawkins in the “God Delusion Debate” with the Fixed Point Foundation in Birmingham, Alabama in 2007. He also debated Christopher Hitchens at the Edinburgh Festival and Dr. Michael Shermer of Sceptic Magazine in Sydney, both in 2008. He has produced a DVD titled Science and the God Question with Professor Alister McGrath, and these DVDs and some CDs are available of his lectures at the Fixed Point Foundation.

During the Cold War, Lennox made repeated visits over 25 years to many of the Communist countries, and since the collapse of communism, he has visited Russia repeatedly, speaking in universities and academies of science. He teaches at many Christian conferences around the world, expounding books of Scripture in what he calls “apologetic exposition”—that is, showing how Scripture engages with the big worldview questions that are being asked in contemporary society. He spoke at the Keswick Convention in the UK and New Horizon in Northern Ireland in 2008.

He has been married to Sally (for 40 years), and they have three children and four grandchildren, and they live in the countryside near Oxford. His hobbies are languages, amateur bird-watching, and astronomy.

Speaker’s Bureau

May 29th, 2020 | “Where is God in a Coronavirus World?” an Online Conversation with John Lennox

September 29, 2016 |  “Cosmic Chemistry: Do Science and God Mix?” an Evening Conversation in Nashville, TN with John Lennox

Selected Publications and Scholarly Work

 2084 – Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity (2020)

Determined to Believe?: The Sovereignty of God, Freedom, Faith, and Human Responsibility (2018)

  Against the Flow: The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism (2015)

Christianity: Opium or Truth? (2014)

 God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway? (2011)

 Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to the Genesis and Science (2011)

 Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists are Missing the Target (2011)

 God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? (2009)

 Key Bible Concepts (2001)