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Online Conversation | Science, Faith, & the Pursuit of Truth with Elaine Howard Ecklund and Ted Davis What does it mean to pursue truth — and how do we know what we know? Science and religion have often been assumed to offer either contradictory or unrelated forms of knowledge, with any intersection between them presumed to
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Online Conversation | Reading as Regeneration with Jessica Hooten Wilson and Claude Atcho The act of reading is fundamental to our understanding of the world and its Creator (the Word made flesh), and numerous studies have shown immersive reading to be an inherently creative and generative endeavor, enabling the reader to imagine more broadly, empathize more deeply, and occupy
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Online Conversation | Gift Logic & Abundant Life with Louis Kim and Tim Soerens What is the significance of ‘the gift logic’ in a public sphere increasingly defined by individualism and self interest? How might adopting this logic shift our understanding of the sort of leadership, community, and economy that is needed to effectively serve the
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Online Conversation | Strength in the Second Half with Arthur Brooks As we start to approach middle age (or beyond), how do we think about our vocation and purpose? Should our sense of mission change? What should we do to equip ourselves for a joyful, purposeful, and meaningful second half? On Friday, February 25th we hosted an
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Online Conversation | Doing Justice with Gary Haugen Justice is essential to God’s vision of human flourishing — but knowing and doing what is just can be fraught with confusion and division, and require discernment as well as courage. On Friday, February 4th we hosted an Online Conversation with Gary Haugen to discuss the importance of how ordinary
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Online Conversation | How Much is a Child Worth? Power, Protection, and Abuse Prevention with Rachael Denhollander What is a girl or a boy worth? If you ask storied attorney, author and advocate Rachael Hollander, the answer is resoundingly, "Everything". On Friday, January 21st we hosted an Online Conversation with Rachael Denhollander to discuss the
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Online Conversation | C.S. Lewis: The Most Reluctant Convert with Max McLean What is it about C.S. Lewis’s story and writing that continues to resonate so strongly? Through his portrayal of Lewis in the recently premiered film, The Most Reluctant Convert, actor Max McLean explores C.S. Lewis's enduring legacy as he enacts Lewis’s journey from hard-boiled atheist to renowned Christian
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Online Conversation | Finding God in the Garden with Andrew Peterson In his lyrical and insightful new book, The God of the Garden, singer-songwriter Andrew Peterson reflects on the formational significance of place and symbolism of nature in the spiritual life. On Friday, December 10th we hosted an Online Conversation with Andrew on what it looks
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Online Conversation | The Golden Key with Jerry Root We are releasing our exclusive conversation between Trinity Forum President Cherie Harder and Dr. Jerry Root from The Rabbit Room’s 2021 “Hutchmoot Homebound" conference. Root gives a beautiful defense of the imagination that edifies our need to explore fantasy, fiction, and beauty as spiritual beings. G.K. Chesterton,
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Online Conversation | Practicing Gratitude with Diana Butler Bass How do we practically cultivate and sustain a life marked by gratitude? On November 19th we hosted an Online Conversation with Diana Butler Bass to explore the transformative, subversive power of gratitude for our personal lives and communities. Through her book, Grateful, cultural observer and theologian Diana
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