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  Whether in our neighborhoods, churches, schools, or even families, we are all feeling the strain of polarization and division–which will likely intensify over the next several months. The question has grown increasingly urgent: is avoiding honest conversation the only way to preserve our relationships? Can we dialogue in good faith across disagreement without surrendering
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As we seek to faithfully navigate the challenges of a polarized and partisan 2024, we each confront the question: how do we learn to disagree wisely and well? Can people of faith model robust dialogue–and preserve relationships–in good faith without surrendering or downplaying our convictions? John Inazu's latest book, Learning to Disagree, draws from experiences
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Online Conversation | Christian Pluralism: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference On Friday, June 12, 2020 The Trinity Forum along with The Carver Project welcomed John Inazu, Trillia Newbell, and Michael Wear to discuss a robust vision for Christian pluralism. The painting is Newburyport Meadows by Martin Johnson Heade, 1881   Transcript of “Christian
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Evening Conversation with John Inazu and Eboo Patel This Evening Conversation hosted attorney and author John Inazu, and Interfaith leader Eboo Patel on "Confident Pluralism in a Turbulent Age." This event is part of a new initiative on "Character, Civility, and Pluralism" made possible by the Trinity Forum Atlanta steering committee, in hope of catalyzing
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Confident Pluralism in a Turbulent Age The Trinity Forum, Montgomery Bell Academy, and St. Paul Christian Academy hosted their ninth Evening Conversation in Nashville, TN, featuring law professor and legal policy expert John Inazu on "Confident Pluralism in a Turbulent Age." Dr. Inazu will examine the state of religious freedom and challenges to pluralism in
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