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When it comes to being labeled “a liberal,” Barack Obama is dismissive. “Oh, he's liberal. He's liberal,” he said recently in describing a characterization of him by Republicans. “Let me tell you something. There's nothing liberal about wanting to reduce money in politics. It's common sense. . . . There's nothing liberal about wanting to

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Throughout his dramatic campaign to win his party's nomination for the presidency, Senator Barack Obama has tended to ignore the specifics of policy in favor of the generalities of emotion, centering his appeal to voters on vague promises of “change” and “unity.” But on one issue, above all others, Obama has remained fixated from the

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Here are a set of 22 questions political reporters and other journalists might want to press Barack Obama to answer about his relationship with the Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., the former senior pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago: 1. In early March you said your church was not “particularly controversial.” Later

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George Packer of The New Yorker, himself a fine writer, was deeply impressed (to say the least) with Barack Obama's speech on race. According to Packer, what we witnessed in Philadelphia a week ago was an “intimate lecture,” the “greatest speech on race by an American politician in many decades,” one that seemed to have

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Several years ago my wife and children attended a Presbyterian church in Washington, D.C. We liked and respected the senior pastor, we had close friends in the congregation, and we felt spiritually nourished by the congregants and the worship. Two of our children were baptized there. Not long after the attacks of September 11, my

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A few thoughts on the widely played excerpts from the sermons of Barack Obama's pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago: 1. This is the worst crisis the Obama campaign has faced. It has done deep and perhaps long-term damage by calling into question the judgment and credibility of

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The US “surge” in Iraq has been so manifestly successful that no serious person can deny that gains have been made. Even Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have (grudgingly) conceded progress. Yet both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama are quick to add that progress has been purely on the military side and that those gains

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There will be many people who knew Bill Buckley far better than I who will attest to his personal kindness and grace over the years. And many people will pour forth with testimonies about Mr. Buckley’s monumental role in the history of modern conservatism. I simply want to recount his role in my own pilgrimage

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Among Republicans, conservatives, and some media commentators, we're seeing a backlash develop against Senator Obama. The form it takes is mocking the “cult of personality” we are seeing arise around him and insisting that his rhetoric, while uplifting, is essentially content-free. Obama, the argument goes, is an empty vessel in whom people are investing their

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Some thoughts on where things stand after last night: 1. The House of Clinton is falling before our eyes. Hillary Clinton's crushing loss yesterday in Wisconsin, in the wake of the wipeout she experienced in the “Potomac Primaries” and the loss of ten consecutive states, means it is extremely improbable that she will win the

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