
Online Conversation | The Courageous Middle with Shirley Mullen

Online Conversation | Why Do We Want What We Want? with Luke Burgis

Online Conversation | Creativity, Reconciliation & Flourishing with Mia Chung-Yee and David Bailey

Online Conversation | The Seven Deadly Sins in a Secular Age with Elizabeth Oldfield


Online Conversation | The Brave In-Between with Amy Low

Online Conversation | Practicing Civic Discipleship with Walter Kim and Adam Taylor

Evening Conversation | Learning to Disagree with John Inazu

Online Conversation | Practicing the Way with John Mark Comer

Online Conversation | Words Against Despair with Christian Wiman

Online Conversation | Disagreeing Well: Is It Possible? with John Inazu

Online Conversation | What Really Matters with Charlie Peacock and Andi Ashworth

Online Conversation | Life, Death, Poetry, & Peace with Philip Yancey

Online Conversation | Perfectly Human: Why Understanding Disability Matters to all of us with Amy Julia Becker

Online Conversation | The Kingdom, the Power, & the Glory with Tim Alberta

Online Conversation | Pursuing a Life Worth Living with Miroslav Volf

Online Conversation | Connecting Spiritual Formation & Public Life with Michael Wear

Online Conversation | A New Year With The Word with Malcolm Guite

Evening Conversation | The Courage To Teach Character

Online Conversation | Joy to the World: Caroling Christmas and Christian Formation with Keith Getty

Online Conversation | Advent: The Season of Hope with Tish Harrison Warren

Evening Conversation | The Unlikely Heroism of Joshua Chamberlain With Ronald C. White

Online Conversation | How to Know a Person with David Brooks

Online Conversation | Suffering and the Formation of Hope with Curt Thompson

Online Conversation | Scripture and the Public Square: The Use and Misuse of the Bible in American History with Kaitlyn Schiess

Online Conversation | The Shaping of the Evangelical Imagination with Karen Swallow Prior

Online Conversation | An Altar Call: Renewal and the American Church with Russell Moore

Online Conversation | Human Flourishing in the Digital Age with Felicia Wu Song

Online Conversation | Hospitality to Strangers with M. Daniel Carroll Rodas

Online Conversation | Walking With God: Walking as a Spiritual Discipline with Mark Buchanan

Online Conversation | Hope in an Age of Anxiety with Curtis Chang & Curt Thompson

Online Conversation | The Burden of Living and the Goodness of God with Alan Noble

Evening Conversation | Can Beauty Save the World? With Makoto Fujimura and Dana Gioia

Online Conversation | Reading as a Spiritual Practice with Jessica Hooten Wilson

Online Conversation | Tending the Heart of Virtue with Vigen Guroian and Angel Parham

Evening Conversation | Towards a Better Christian Politics with Curtis Chang, David French, and Russell Moore

Online Conversation | Celebrity Culture and the American Church with Katelyn Beaty

Evening Conversation | Blessings for Imperfect Days with Kate Bowler

Online Conversation | Character, Virtue, & Leadership with Michael Lamb

Online Conversation | Renewing the Joy of Advent with Hannah Anderson

Online Conversation | The Blessing of Limitations with Kelly Kapic

Online Conversation | Pursuing Humility, with Richard Foster and Brenda Quinn

Evening Conversation | Beauty, Trauma, & the Healing Power of Presence with Curt Thompson

Online Conversation | How to be a Patriotic Christian, with Richard Mouw and Paul Miller

Evening Conversation | Can Our Culture be Remade, with David Bailey and Andy Crouch

Online Conversation | Trust, Truth, and the Knowledge Crisis with Bonnie Kristian

Online Conversation | How To Inhabit Time with James K. A. Smith

Online Conversation | Cultivating a Life of Learning with Zena Hitz

Online Conversation | The State of Religious Liberty

Online Conversation | The Fall, the Founding, and the Future of American Democracy with Dr. Tracy McKenzie

Online Conversation | Jazz, Hope, and the Gospel with William Edgar and Carl Ellis

Evening Conversation | Science, Faith, Trust, and Truth with Francis Collins

Online Conversation | Neurobiology and the Soul: an Online Conversation with Curt Thompson and Jeffrey Dudiak

Online Conversation | Reading in Community with Matthew Lee Anderson and Anika Prather

Online Conversation | Curbing the Culture Wars: an Online Conversation with Yuval Levin and Brandon Vaidyanathan

Online Conversation | Faith in an Empirical World: an Online Conversation with Ard Louis and Tremper Longman

Online Conversation | After Babel: Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World with Andy Crouch & Jonathan Haidt

Online Conversation | Work, Justice, & Common Good with Henry Kaestner & Dave Blanchard

Evening Conversation | Healing a Divided Culture with Arthur Brooks

Online Conversation | Science, Faith, & the Pursuit of Truth with Elaine Howard Ecklund and Ted Davis

Online Conversation | Reading as Regeneration with Jessica Hooten Wilson and Claude Atcho

Online Conversation | Gift Logic & Abundant Life with Louis Kim and Tim Soerens

Online Conversation | Strength in the Second Half with Arthur Brooks

Online Conversation | Doing Justice with Gary Haugen

Online Conversation | How Much is a Child Worth? Power, Protection, and Abuse Prevention with Rachael Denhollander

Online Conversation | C.S. Lewis: The Most Reluctant Convert with Max McLean

Online Conversation | Finding God in the Garden with Andrew Peterson

Online Conversation | The Golden Key

Online Conversation | Practicing Gratitude with Diana Butler Bass

Online Conversation | Justice, Mercy, and Overcoming Racial Division with Claude Alexander and Mac Pier

Online Conversation | The Soul of Desire with Curt Thompson


Evening Conversation | Beyond Ideology with Peter Kreeft and Eugene Rivers

Online Conversation | Hope, Heartbreak, and Meaning with Kate Bowler

Online Conversation | Understanding Transhumanism with Richard Mouw and Rosalind Picard

Online Conversation | Public Faith in Polarized Times with Mark Labberton, Claude Alexander, and Walter Kim

Online Conversation | Music, Creativity & Justice, with Ruth Naomi Floyd

Online Conversation | Redeeming Power, with Diane Langberg

Online Conversation | Faithful Presence: The Promise and Peril of Faith in the Public Square with Bill Haslam

Online Conversation | The Challenge of Christian Nationalism with Mark Noll and Vincent Bacote

Online Conversation | Living a Tech-Wise Life with Andy and Amy Crouch

Online Conversation | Reading Jane Austen: A Novel Approach to Virtue, with Karen Swallow Prior

Online Conversation | Reimagination and Repair: Creativity for the Life of the World, with Sho Baraka

Online Conversation | Lincoln in Private: Leadership Behind Closed Doors, with Ron White

Online Conversation | Suffering, Healing, and Meaning, with Philip Yancey and Julia Wattacheril

Online Conversation | All the Lonely People: Isolation, Connection, and the Common Good, with Ryan Streeter and Francie Broghammer

Online Conversation | Being, Living, and Dying Well, with Lydia Dugdale

Online Conversation | Invitation to Solitude and Silence, with Ruth Haley Barton

Online Conversation | Faith, Fear, and Conspiracy, with David French

Online Conversation | Hope and Healing for a Hurting Culture, with Jonathan Haidt and Peter Wehner

Online Conversation | The Inklings, Creativity, and Community, with Diana Glyer

Online Conversation | Art + Faith: A Theology of Making, with Makoto Fujimura

Online Conversation | Division, Decadence, and Renewal, with Ross Douthat

Online Conversation | Waiting on the Word, with Malcolm Guite

Online Conversation | The Spiritual Practice of Remembering, with Margaret Bendroth

Online Conversation | CRISPR, Gene Editing, and Human Flourishing, with Dr. William B. Hurlbut

Online Conversation | Rebuilding our Common Life, with Yuval Levin

Online Conversation | Hope and Healing in Hard Times, with Curt Thompson

Online Conversation | Speaking Peace & Seeking Reconciliation, with David Bailey & Marilyn McEntyre

Online Conversation | Dorothy & Jack: a Story of Friendship & Formation

Online Conversation | Preserving Democracy Amidst Deep Division

Online Conversation | Christianity & the Case for Democracy

Online Conversation | Breaking Bread with the Dead, with Alan Jacobs

Online Conversation | Redeeming a Culture of Contempt, with Arthur Brooks

Online Conversation | Habits, Home & the Human Heart, with James K.A. Smith

Online Conversation | Engaging Politics with Love and Truth, with Justin Giboney

Online Conversation | Culture Care: Mending to Make New, with Makoto Fujimura

Online Conversation | Leadership and Character in Chaos and Conflict, with Robert Franklin and Michael Lamb

Online Conversation | Story, Culture, & the Common Good, with Marilynne Robinson

Online Conversation | Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies, with Marilyn McEntyre

Online Conversation | Crisis & Christian Humanism with Alan Jacobs

Online Conversation | Crisis-Ready Leadership

Online Conversation | At Home with Bonhoeffer, with Laura Fabrycky

Online Conversation | Christian Pluralism: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference

Online Conversation | Hope Beyond Political Tribalism with James Mumford

Online Conversation | Where is God in a Coronavirus World? with John Lennox

Online Conversation | Liturgy of the Ordinary in Extraordinary Times

Online Conversation | Calling & Community in a Post-Pandemic World with Os Guinness & Pete Peterson

Online Conversation | Leadership in Tumultuous Times with Dr. Ron White

Online Conversation | Poetry & Beauty in Solitude with Dana Gioia

Online Conversation | Who are we Becoming? Spiritual & Societal Growth in a Time of Crisis

Online Conversation | Suffering, Friendship, and Courage: What Lewis & Tolkien Teach us about Resilience & Imagination
April 24, 2020

Online Conversation | On Reading in Quarantine
April 17, 2020

Online Conversation | Redeeming Shame: Believing a Truer Story
April 10, 2020

Online Conversation | Communities of Faith & COVID-19
April 1, 2020

Online Conversation | The Long Loneliness
March 27, 2020

Evening Conversation | The Decadent Society, with Ross Douthat

Evening Conversation | Christianity, Pluralism, & Public Life

Evening Conversation | Faithful Friendship Across Deep Differences, with Robert George & Cornel West

Evening Conversation | Beauty, Music, and Spiritual Formation , with Keith & Kristyn Getty

Evening Conversation | On the Road with Saint Augustine, with James K.A. Smith and Elizabeth Bruenig

Evening Conversation | Poetry, Imagination, and Spiritual Formation, with Dana Gioia

Evening Conversation | The Second Mountain, with David Brooks

Evening Conversation | Lonely America, with Senator Ben Sasse

Evening Conversation | Love Your Enemies, with Arthur Brooks and Justin Giboney

Evening Conversation | Alienated America, with Tim Carney and Anne Snyder

Evening Conversation | Fear and Flourishing in the Age of Robots, with Nigel Cameron

Evening Conversation | Unified: How Our Unlikely Friendship Gives Us Hope for a Divided Country, with Senator Tim Scott and Congressman

Evening Conversation | Reforming Public Theology, with James K. A. Smith and Michael Wear

An Evening Conversation | Rootedness and Reconciliation in a Riven Land, with Senator Ben Sasse and Dr. Russell Moore

Evening Conversation | Last Call For Liberty, with Os Guinness

Evening Conversation | On Reading Well, with Karen Swallow Prior

Evening Conversation | The Politics of Resentment, with Francis Fukuyama

Evening Conversation | Science and Faith in Harmony, with Dr. Francis Collins and James K.A. Smith

Evening Conversation | Civility and Courage Amidst Difference and Division, with Lecrae and Michael Wear

Evening Conversation | Has Liberalism Failed? with David Brooks and Patrick Deneen

Evening Conversation | Love, Justice, and Suffering: The Legacy of MLK

Evening Conversation | Civility in the Public Square, with Michael Wear and Allison Melangton

Evening Conversation | Faith and Holistic Poverty Alleviation, with Peter Greer

Symposium | The Future of Christian Higher Education

Evening Conversation | To Love Our Neighbor, with Richard Stearns and Peter Greer

Evening Conversation | Character and Leadership in a Divisive Age, with David Brooks

Evening Conversation | Mind, Matter, & Our Maker, with Bill Newsome and Tim O’Connor

Evening Conversation | The Forgotten Keys to American Freedom, with Os Guinness

Evening Conversation | Hope, Health, & Peacemaking, with Jenny Dyer and Anne Peterson

Evening Conversation | Confident Pluralism in a Turbulent Age, with John Inazu and Eboo Patel

Evening Conversation | Mercy, Justice, and Flourishing, with Jim Kim and Tony Hall

Evening Conversation | Culture Care, with Makoto Fujimura

Evening Conversation | How Dante Can Save Your Life, with Rod Dreher

Evening Conversation | Faith & International Development, with Ambassador Mark Lagon

Evening Conversation | Genes, Self, and Soul, with Praveen Sethupathy

Evening Conversation | When Adolescence Has Become a Destination, with Senator Ben Sasse and James K.A. Smith

Evening Conversation | Faith, Health, and Healing, with Farr Curlin and Daniel Sulmasy

Evening Conversation | Confident Pluralism in a Turbulent Age, with John Inazu

Evening Conversation | The Benedict Option, with Rod Dreher, Kirsten Powers, and Pete Wehner

Evening Conversation | Character, Civility, and Pluralism, with David Brooks and Robert Franklin

Evening Conversation | Perseverance and Faith in the Midst of Pain, with Dr. Ray Barfield and Rev. Michael Walrond

Evening Conversation | The Story of Ulysses S. Grant, with Ron White

Evening Conversation | Just War in the Age of Terror, with William Inboden

Evening Conversation | God and the Multiverse, with Deborah Haarsma

Evening Conversation | Poetry, Prayer, and Passion, with Dana Gioia

Evening Conversation | God and Jihad, with Mary Habeck and Paul Miller

Evening Conversation | Can Freedom Last Forever, with Os Guinness

Evening Conversation | Why Beauty Matters: The Significance of Beauty in Art, Faith, and Politics, with Dana Gioia

Evening Conversation | Music, Beauty, and Freedom, with Jeremy Begbie

Evening Conversation | Augustine on Politics and the Art of Unhappiness, with Eric Gregory

Evening Conversation | Just War and the Contemporary Security Environment, with James Turner Johnson

Evening Conversation | Do Science and God Mix? with John Lennox

Evening Conversation | The Soul of Shame, with Curt Thompson

Evening Conversation | Culture Care in a Fragmented Modern World, with Makoto Fujimura

Evening Conversation | The Fascinating Friendship Between C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, with Joe Loconte

Evening Conversation | The Road to Character, with David Brooks

Evening Conversation | “Love Thy Neighbor” in a Globalized World, with Michael Gerson and Stephan Bauman

Evening Conversation | Why Poetry Matters, with Dana Gioia

Evening Conversation | A Free People’s Suicide, with Os Guinness

Evening Conversation | Beauty in a Broken Culture, with Makoto Fujimura

Evening Conversation | Strong and Weak, with Andy Crouch

Evening Conversation with NT Wright and Richard Hays | February 24

Evening Conversation | Religion and the Foundations of Geopolitical Order, with Walter Russell Mead

Evening Conversation | Called: The Crisis and Promise of Following Jesus Today, with Mark Labberton

Evening Conversation | A Hobbit, A Wardrobe, and A Great War with Joe Loconte

Evening Conversation | View from the Top, with Michael Lindsay

Evening Conversation | The Locust Effect, with Gary Haugen

Evening Conversation | The Global Public Square: Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity, with Os Guinness

Evening Conversation | Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power, with Andy Crouch and Michael Gerson

Evening Conversation | Leadership in the Crucible: Lessons from Wilberforce and Jefferson’s Quest for Abolition, with Ray Blunt

Evening Conversation | Lincoln’s Sermon on the Mount: The Second Inaugural Address, with Ron White


Episode 86 | Life, Death, Poetry & Peace with Philip Yancey

Episode 85 | How to be a Patriotic Christian

Episode 84 | Scripture and the Public Square

Episode 83 | What Really Matters with Charlie Peacock and Andi Ashworth

Episode 82 | Christian Pluralism: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference

Episode 81 |Towards a Better Christian Politics

Episode 80 | A Life Worth Living with Miroslav Volf

Episode 79 | The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory with Tim Alberta

Episode 78 | Connecting Spiritual Formation & Public Life with Michael Wear

Episode 77 | Making as a Spiritual Practice with Makoto Fujimura

Episode 76 | Walking as a Spiritual Practice with Mark Buchanan

Episode 75 | Reading as a Spiritual Practice with Jessica Hooten Wilson

Episode 74 | Pursuing Humility, with Richard Foster and Brenda Quinn

Episode 73 | Word Beneath the Words with Malcolm Guite

Episode 72 | Music, Creativity & Justice with Ruth Naomi Floyd

Episode 71 | Tolkien, Lewis, and the realities of War

Episode 70 | Hope in an Age of Anxiety

Episode 69 | Caroling Christmas and Christian Formation with Keith Getty

Episode 68 | Advent: The Season of Hope with Tish Harrison Warren

Episode 67 | How to Know a Person with David Brooks

Episode 66 | After Babel with Jonathan Haidt and Andy Crouch

Episode 65 | Trust, Truth and the Knowledge Crisis

Episode 64 | Healing a Divided Culture with Arthur Brooks

Episode 63 | Justice, Mercy, and Overcoming Racial Division

Episode 62 | Beyond Ideology with Peter Kreeft and Eugene Rivers

Episode 61 | The Decadent Society with Ross Douthat

Episode 60 | The Challenge of Christian Nationalism

Episode 59 | Rebuilding our Common Life with Yuval Levin

Episode 58 | All the Lonely People with Ryan Streeter and Francie Broghammer

Episode 57 | The Burden of Living and the Goodness of God with Alan Noble

Episode 56 | Blessings for Imperfect Days with Kate Bowler

Episode 55 | Being, Living and Dying Well with Lydia Dugdale

Episode 54 | Cultivating a Life of Learning with Zena Hitz

Episode 53 | Strength to Strength with Arthur Brooks

Episode 52 | The Soul of Desire with Curt Thompson

Episode 51 | Public Faith in Polarized Times

Episode 50 | Character, Virtue & Leadership with Michael Lamb

Episode 49 | Redeeming Power with Diane Langberg

Episode 48 | Crisis Ready Leadership

Episode 47 | Lincoln in Private

Episode 40 | Reading Poetry

Episode 39 | Reading and Community

Episode 38 | Reading for Virtue

Episode 37 | Reading for Restoration

Episode 36 | Reading for a More Tranquil Mind

Episode 35 | Reading & The Common Good

Episode 34 | Neurobiology and the Soul

Episode 33 | Science, Faith, and the Pursuit of Truth

Episode 32 | Understanding Transhumanism

Episode 31 | Faith in an Empirical World

Episode 30 | Discovery and Doxology

Episode 29 | Reading Scripture with N.T. Wright

Episode 28 | Remembering with Margaret Bendroth

Episode 27 | Writing as a Spiritual Practice with Jonathan Rogers, Tish Harrison Warren, and Doug McKelvey

Episode 26 | Repentance with James K.A. Smith

Episode 25 | Generosity with Marilyn McEntyre

Episode 24 | Silence and Solitude with Ruth Haley Barton

Episode 23 | Formation and Habit with Tish Harrison Warren

Episode 22 | Lenten Spiritual Practices

Episode 10 | Living a Second Mountain Life, with David Brooks

Episode 9 | Jane Austen and the Liturgies of Ordinary Life, with Karen Swallow Prior

Episode 8 | Creativity for the Life of the World, with Amisho Baraka

Episode 7 | A Theology of Making, with Mako Fujimura

Episode 6 | The Good News and the Good Life, with N.T. Wright and Richard Hays

Episode 5 | Crisis and Christian Humanism, with Alan Jacobs

Episode 4 | Story, Culture, and the Common Good, with Marilynne Robinson

Episode 3 | Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies, with Marilyn McEntyre

Episode 2 | Believing a Truer Story, with Curt Thompson

Episode 1 | Redeeming a Culture of Contempt, with Arthur Brooks

New Podcast Title

Podcast | Season 1 Trailer